About International Leaners Association of Buddhism (ILAB)

The International Leaners Association of Buddhism (ILAB) would like to offer you the opportunity to meet international-minded female Buddhists and lay Buddhists from different denominations and different countries. Through cultural exchange, we aim at broadening our views of Buddhism, applying the Buddha's teachings in our daily life, and serving the society on an international basis. We also strive to improve our communication skills in order to convey the Buddha's teachings and to educate the younger generation.

Our objectives

- To express the Buddha's teachings through the views of women transcending different denominations
- To acquire the essential spirit of Buddhism through the introduction of Buddhist culture and practices
- To learn about the Buddhist culture of different denominations
- To educate and support young female Buddhist students/academics

Characteristics of ILAB

- Regardless of denomination and nationality, we welcome Buddhist nuns, priestesses, lay female Buddhists and non-Buddhists ladies who have an interest in Buddhism. Males are also welcome to join our activities.
- Meetings are conducted in English, with Japanese translation when necessary.

Our Program (semi-annal meetings)

- Introduction of Buddhist teachings, rituals and culture
- Visits to Buddhist temples
- Meditation, sutra chanting, lectures, workshops, studying BUddhism in English, speech contests, debate, etc

Copyright(c) International Leaners Association of Buddhism2011-2012